& Baby
Ceremony and rituals provide a space to look at the past, unveil who we are in the now & step into who we are becoming. By setting aside the time to step into ceremonial space, we can create a sacred container where we acknowledge and share the things we do not usually speak about in our daily lives.
We can embrace the aspects of ourselves living underneath the surface.
These spaces help us approach life changes, cycles and passageways with more clarity and awarenesses, allowing us to be more intentional and in tune with the unseen forces around us.

A Mother Blessing is a ceremony that honours the multilayered rite of passage that is connected to shifting identities, giving birth, and bringing a baby earth-side.
In this space myself along with dearest loved ones create a rich experience of blessing the mother to be, forming a circle of support as she prepares for this next part of her journey.
Prior to the ceremony I will meet with the mother to be to get a better idea of what is currently unfolding in her life, what fears and excitements she has as she steps into the unknown. We will then co-create an ceremony which honours her unique journey into motherhood.
Ceremonies Can Include:
Guided Journey to connect with the Baby
Sound Healing
Circle Sharing
Intentional Gift Giving - heart centered & rich in meaning
"Rituals and Ceremonies to mark important traditions have been absent from the western culture for far too long. As we move from one stage of life to the next many of us discover that we've lost our personal connections to the traditions that once guided us. The few traditions in which we do participate in have shifted to the point that they have lost their meaning and no longer create their intended purpose. Sacred moments and rites of passage have come to be celebrated with physical objects instead of being honored for the transitional energy that they are. Because of this we have lost touch with the rituals that can help us move through our lives."
- Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow